
Communication Arts:

Conservatory of Nice, France. Classical Composition, 1977-1978

Dr. Jean Etienne Marie. Private study of Electro-Acoustical Composition and Sound Engineering 1976-1978. 

Maestro Kurt Wronke-Marion. Private study of Voice, 1975-1978

Denver University, Communication Arts Institute, Theatre 1965.

Journalism: Colorado State College, Press Photography, 1967.

Seattle University , Fine Arts/ Journalism, 1966-1968.
Languages: Ruwi, Sultana of Oman. Arabic, 1979-1981.
Auroville , India. Tamil, 1970- 1975/, 1997/ 2008 
University of Bordeaux, France
. French, 1970. 
University of Seattle, Washington. French, 1966-1968. 
University of Washington, Washington. Sanskrit, 1969.
Anthropology: University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Major in Anthropology and Archaeology, 1969 – 1970 - interrupted for India trip and ultimately stay to research and live in the International Township of Auroville, India (Not-for profit township for 50,000 people under the guidance of its Charter), since 1970 and have lived about 27 years there over its 55 years exsistance.

Auroville, India. Integral Yoga, 1970-75 / 79 /81-82 /96-97 / 2001-2 /2006-2011  -study and practice this harmonization discipline of our physical, mental, emotional, vital and psychic with guidance from Mira Alfassa, aka the Mother in Pondicherry, India. This discipline was developed by India's great visionary, Sri Aurobindo. It is a personal lifetime practice.

Mysore, India. Raja Yoga, 2008 - study and practice for certification under Sri JayakumarPravana Yogadhama Trust  for comprehensive yoga methods. And for finding the best way to integrate the Bel Canto Technology into asanas for strengthening the body to hold sound correctly, Vocal Yoga VY®. Received Yoga Alliance Certification .

Internet Marketing

Web Mastering Design: Attend the Annual 5 Days in July Conference for learning to be your own web master and internet marketing to make websites independantly. Very important decsion.



1965 -1966



Denver, CO. Writer.
First editorials published at 16yr. Denver Post. (Voice of Youth program)

Acting & Stage Managing
, 1966;
Barter Theatre

1970 - 1975 Auroville, India. Founder of “For All/Pour Tous”.
Initiated the creation of “For All/Pour Tous” Auroville’s financial and distribution service. Developing Auroville’s 'proper channel' for monies and goods, first supervising construction of its initial building (1972-1974);
Developed and coordinated a nutrition/health program for 90 children of the village of Kuliyapalayam (1970-1972) – interrupted.
Taught Acting at Last School. Students were youth of six nationalities.
1975 – 1978 Nice, France.
Private vocal studies with the master Kurt Wronke-Marion: A three year study, six days a week, two hours daily. He implored me to teach and pass on this knowledge to others.
1977 - 1978 Nice, France. Conference Assistant.
Assisted Dr. Jean Etienne Marie, President of the International Center for Musical Research, in organizing contemporary electro-acoustical music presentations.
1978 - 1979

Auroville, India. Supervisor.

Supervision of a children’s experimental community called “Auro-Ami”.

First adult the children voted to live with them (had my daughter 5yr.) so could help without interfering. This was a very amusing and busy time, like when the 17 girls wrote the rules ex: ..#7 (out of 18) “You must go home at least once every two weeks to see your parents.”

1979 - 1981 Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman. Journalist, UPI, AFP, L'Express and the Times of Oman. English Teacher, Al Najal School  link
Full-time Correspondent and Journalist. Had the double page for photographic and in-depth weekly story. Independent stories for UPI, AFP and L'Express, Part-time

English Teacher for first grade mix of Bedouin and palace children – interrupted.
1981 - 1983

Auroville, India. Director, Communication Service, Community Management, Journalism, Financial Board Member AV

Full responsibility for the Communication Service of Auroville, India, connecting approximately 60 communities in a twenty-square-mile area; full responsibility for the internal maintenance, information, visas, etc. for the artisan community called “Fraternity”; wrote journal articles for UPI and AFP; member of Auroville’s Financial Board advising direction of Auroville’s fiscal development.

1983 - 1989 Paris and Strasbourg, France: Professor of Voice and Drama

Taught Voice privately ( bel canto or “vocal focusing” and “vocal yoga” technique) with singers, actors, business executives and individuals.  

Taught Acting and Voice workshops at the school of Performing Arts le Colimacon.

Strasbourg , France:
Journalist, UPI (United Press International), AFP (Agence France Press), Voice of America, Deutsche Welle.

Covered stories at the Council of Europe for UPI, Voice of America, and Deutsche Welle; began preparing the interactive documentary series, “The European Odyssey” and stopped teaching from 36 hr/wkly to 6hr/wkly in 1988, in order to give full time attention to the development of the Aquarium program developed in 1986-87 for the Public Broadcasting Servie, PBS. First web-site in 1987 at the World Trade Center in Paris to demo new interactive world coming.

1986 - 1993  

France:1988-1990, Washington DC: 1990-1993.
President, Aquarium Corp.; Exec.Producer 
of the Aquarium Program; Foreign Correspondent, authorized by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Position Responsibilities:

Full responsibility for the conduct and operations of the Aquarium Corp. and the Aquarium programs; coordination of meetings with production teams and consultants preparing the program in Europe and the USA; creation and supervision of the pilot films and program services and products; preparation of the budget for the first studios; preparation of proposals; organization of the advisory board and research & development consortium; completion of all forms, attachments and responses for attaining IRS tax-exemption 501 (c ) (3 ) status for AQUARIUM Corp.; coordination of fund-raising activities; establishment of working and resource relationships with numerous institution, government administrations, individuals, companies and organizations.

1990 -1993  Washington DC: Worked for the American City Business Journal,
ACBJ Washington Business Journal’s circulation department p/t while developing an American team with University’s, Institutions & businesses in Washington DC. 

The interactive savvy heads of PBS’s Education department and PBS, who wanted the Aquarium program from France, leave that department and PBS, 1990! New director does not know what interactivity is.Interactive programming at PBS is still too soon for the public access. Aquarium goes dormant.
1993-1997 Allentown,PA. 1993-1997
Marry and managed the Hamilton House home B&B in Allentown while returning annually to India for research on Auroville requested by Leigh High Valley, PA, PBS.
1998 - 2003

Salt Works Ranch in South Park, CO 1997-2003

, created weekly column for the Fairplay Flume ‘Park County Echos’ and supplies news, features and photographs. South Park 

South Park, CO, 1999-2001, Help develop Bison Healthy Pet, with my husband, Richard Butcher (ex-ALPO exec.) After three years we had a complete line of Bison petfood and products and were just coming out in the Hyvee stores in the Mid-West when the financial partners had to pull the plug (bad RE investments). A jaw dropper. 

Begin outlining the book to communicate the knowledge given by my Master.

2003 – 2007

Watertown & Clark, South Dakota; Auroville India, 2005-2007,
Denver , Colorado 2003-2005:

South Dakota - Reanimate Aquarium Corps, 2006-Present: Get a first sponsor March 2006. Traveled to Auroville, India twice for five months “06/”07 get the web-sire layout done for later;

Denver & SD & Auroville - Write and Illustrate Book on the Voice , Vocal Yoga VY® . This book is a guide to the instruction of the ‘Bel Canto Technique' to train the body silently to hold sound. It is the quiet preparation of exercises that prepare the body to hold sound correctly "pre-speech".  Develop 1st teaching Vocal Focusing Web-site 2004-5 (but decide to concentrate on guidebook first as had 3 different ‘webmaster issue’);

Receive USA Trademarks for Vocal Yoga VY & Vocal Focusing VF.

2008 – 2012

Auroville, India, establish offices for Aquarium Corp. and Voice Corps. at Auroelec in order to advance the publishing, site building and complete the Vocal Yoga VY® guidebook, website and begin teacher training.

Mysore, India, Complete three month study with the Pranava Yoga Dhama trust, a Yoga Alliance school for designing best exercises for Vocal Yoga VY®. 2008. Receive Yoga Alliance certification.

Auroville, India, Complete the first Vocal Yoga Hall in Auroville at Acceptance. Certified first VY™ Teachers 2009 to 2016 and establish the Vocal Yoga Institute Pvt. Ltd. 2010. Prepare first research poster for USA, international Symposium on Yoga Research at the Himalayan Institute - Accepted. Establish Class at Aurovilles ARKA Hall 2014 to 2016.

Pondicherry, India, Requested by the Head of Nerology of JIPMER, Hospital to help their Voice Program for their Stroke victims (2015 thru 2016.)

Auroville, India, Establish in 2015 the For All / Pour Tous Foundation in USA and get 501 c3 Tax Dedutible status Oct 2017. Freeze all funding efforts until the new Quantum Financial System is Active world-wide…2023?

Colorado, USA, Prepare site for the Virtual Classroom and present the company and's site for the Yoga Journal Conference in Estes Park CO Sept. 24th-27 2009.

Auroville, India, 2010 Begin to submit Vocal Yoga VY research abstracts from training of first VY teachers. Three selected for Poster presentations Himalayan Institute, USA; Patanjali University, India and the Voice Foundation, USA.  Faculty of "Care of the Professional Voice"

Offer free websites for Services between 4-5pm: AV Health Service, AV Travel Safe, AurovilleOmTravels, AV Performing Arts (UC)etc. Create Voices Corps Publishing site to help Aurovilian Autors to be on Amazon, plus give them a free websitre.2011 to 2016. (Change Visa status and cannot offer even free services. So helped transition authors or sites but some closed down.)

Chiang Mai, Thailand, Complete the Online Course for VoiceCheck / Vocal Yoga Therapy 2018 to 2020 completed during the lockdown in Auroville, India, 2021.

Auroville, India 2020 – 2023, Pandemic Lockdown until March 2022.
Work on Courses and For All/Pour Tous Foundation.


The Voice Foundation's 40th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, June 1-5, 2011 Phildelphia, PA. USA Poster presentation: Physical and psychological benefits of Vocal Yoga VY therapy and training on first VY student-teachers. 

Yoga for Health & Social Transformation : First International Conference January 2-5,2011, Hardwar, India. Prize poster presentation.   See poster

Vocal Yoga VY® abstract research selected for participation in the first Symposium on Yoga Research by the International Association of Yoga Therapists at the Himalayan Institute, Pennsylvania, USA, Oct. 1-3, 2010.

  Invited by the International Conference "Spirituality Beyond Religion", to present Vocal Yoga under the category of Theory and Experience of Transformative Practices. - January 10, 2010, SAWCHU, International Township of Auroville.

Invited by the Dr. Anil Sangli's Medical Music Reverberation Therapy – MMRT to present Vocal Yoga VY® under the title of “Vasantha-Santasa” - on Sunday, 29th March 2009, Mysore. See poster
Invited by the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore to present Vocal Yoga VY® on Bel Canto Techonology.  see poster
Invited to be on the Board of Advisors of Stop Diabetes that is actively researching yoga’s positive effect on Diabetes. Mysore, India. 2008
Invited on Board of Judges for the Scholastic Video Festival to judge videos done by student groups submitted by schools of Alsace, France, 1990, 1989, 1988. 
Invited to take Direction of the second largest Contemporary Music Festival in France at Nice, by Dr. Jean Etienne Marie who asked me to replace him. Graciously declined 1982
Invited by the President of the Free University of Manila, Philippines, Dr. Benito Reyes, to Organize the student conference paralleling the University Presidents on Universal Curriculum for July 1971; Initiated organization for this conference in Manila September - October 1970 before leaving for India but withdrew as I felt his students didn’t need ‘outside’ help.
Invited to be the US Delegate to the World Union Youth Conference in Pondicherry, India, Dec. 1970 - found Auroville and wanted participate actively in research for these 'new' cities of the future.
  Strasbourg, France: 1990, Aquarium Interactive Program was selected for the best video project of the Bas Rhine, approximately $250,000 prize. Had to decline. (Had private contracts for the program that would not necessarily be honored...big litigation against me possible.)
Paris, France: 1983 Outstanding Acclaim and Runner-up, International Competition for Interactive Scenario Writers for first interactive movie in the world (it took three years to engineer it) France Telecom, L’INA, others. (did an interactive fiction where you learn about the work in singing and speeking).
Colorado State College: 1966 Best Delegate Award, Student UN,.(represented Nigeria and USA)
‘Outstanding Leadership’
 1966 Award
, St. Scholastica’s Academy, Canon City, CO. (first time school made such an award -  nice feeling).
Junior-Senior Class President 1964-1966. St. Scholastica’s Academy, Canon City, CO. Sophomore Vice-President.
Tennis Doubles Champions 1964, Pueblo, Colorado.  

 by the owner of the Al Najal School in Oman after vehemently scolding her for her physical abuse of the children in front of a mother from the Palace. (Good)

Fired by the Doctor in charge of the Kuliyapalium Health Center after having admonished one of the doctors’ wives for not bringing the food for the 92 waiting children. (No regrets)

Probation at Seattle University for rounding up a good group of girls from our freshman dorm to go sing to the boy’s dorm.I had been asked by one of the boys to organize something as there was nothing going on that weekend on campus and that seemed nice to me. (Backfired) It caused a riot after I was thrown into the Champion Towers fountain and the boys ran out for a campus 'panty raid' (a USA college 'tradition') on all the girl dorms nearby. The Dean was very upset & I had to pay for all new briefs!

Probation at St. Scholastica’s Academy in freshman year for smoking in the shower (cloth water). (Dumb)
Suspended St. Scholastica's Academy. Sent home for one week. Little tolerance for faking a 'visitation' of the Blessed Mother on the holiest girl in our dorm (whose early morning prep. for Mass dailey always woke us up). A Senior had a glow in the dark, very large statue of Mary. With a string around the neck and feet looped over the light above her desk at the foot of her bed Mary rose at 3am...calling. Once our classmate was aware of 'Mary' Mary told her she had been chosen to help the world and was to go to chapel daily, at lunchtime, and instead of lunch she was to 'pray for Peace on Earth'. Then Mary told her to close her eyes so she could go back to heaven. Our classmate confided her vision to the Superior..the head nun had her doubts...
Jailed at 12yrs. Was sent (my mothers orders to the highway patrol officer who 'found' me) to wait in a cell at the Pueblo, sherrifs office, while they went out to dinner. Had run away from home (with my transitor radio) after upset with mother who had dared ridicule, Elvis...(what can I say?)       
Punished  I was told to go sit under the Aspen trees and think about what I just was a long walk. After a while, I got board sitting because I knew my days of shooting hairpins, with a rubberband were over. So, I decided to walk the mountain looking for arrow heads. After a while I realised, looking down the mountain, I could not see the ranch. I came to a peninsula and looked down both ranch. The sun was going to set so I decide to walk around the mountain top again. Now it was night. When I came to the peninsula again I thought maybe I should have walked to the end instead of the sides...and there was the ranch all lite-up..and moving torchlights coming up the mountain. Glad I was not harmed they walked me back to the house where I was to stand before, Uncle Tom. Legendary cowboy and ex-Marshall he declared my name to be changed. He chrisened me 'Trouble' and always called me that until he died at 105, but he always had a twinkle in his eyes when he did so.

Expelled from first grade, Stephen School in Denver, for one too many times of raising my hand to be excused to go to the bathroom. I would then get my jacket on the hook in the hall and leave the school to go for a nice long walk exploring after stopping at the local drugstore soda fountain for a cherry coke... (Spent the rest of the school year in a guest room at home with my food served on a tray…three months…learning ‘reflection’..learned contemplation instead!)