Under Reconstruction - Coming soon!


This information is really just my communication site, when certain people want to know more about who I am. Of course, I put up my best picture at age 36. I am now much, much more than that! The curriculum is my ongoing ''life layout' of sorts, that include links and comments and even blemishes… see here....or on the white link below.

As a child, coming from a B-way theatrical family, I was very sure I would go on the stage and passionately studied acting, knocking-off Stanislavski's The Method at age 11. Instead, I went on the 'stage of life’ after a university holiday from which I never returned. Since 1970, in the world's first charitable and international township (where everyone is a volunteer) in Auroville, India., I began: Voluntarism doing a village children's creche/nutrition/health program; studied Integral Yoga; broke ground for the building of Matrimondir; founded For All/Pour Tous (Aurovilles' Financial & Distribution Service); Journalism, Wrote Vocal Yoga VY and its Teacher Training Manual, made free websites for Services and at times, built Entrepreneurial challenges.

The most important purpose in Auroville, is the Charter. The land belongs to Humanity as a Whole and each individual should try manifesting their life from the inside out, making 'Divine Consciousness' ones guide. It is not yet a perfect place but after 55 years and over 60 nationalities represented here, it is Unique to the world. Though their study is welcome no religions or political parties can be established in Auroville...ahem.

Also, here in Auroville, where I write this, we embrace “… a youth that never ages”, so nobody retires. Auroville's Founder, Mira Alfassa, included that phrase in the Charter, for the Inauguration with UNESCO's participation, she was 90 years young!

For those interested in the websites where my other works/documentation are active, you can go to them on the above Menu buttons for my Vocal instructional world; FAPT Foundation journey; our 7 generation ranch to try to keep safe for posterity; and our little but well known, grandmothers' story. I took down all previous sites so these are under construction by me. With lots to do, slow is OK.

If you are interested in VocalYoga Therapy, please click on the button below for further explanation.